So you want to work for the government. The first step to becoming a government employee is to obtain career service eligibility by taking and passing the civil service exam.
If you really want to know how to pass the civil service exam and be eligible for a career position in the Philippine government, then look no further. This comprehensive guide will tell you everything you need to know about the civil service examination as well as the civil service exam requirements, qualifications, schedule, and coverage.
The civil service exam, also called the career service exam, is administered by the Civil Service Commission (CSC) which is the government body that regulates the employment of civil servants through a merit-based system. Passers of the civil service examinations acquire civil service eligibility, allowing them to qualify for appointment to government positions. Filipino citizens can also acquire career service eligibility without taking and passing the civil service exam, provided that they meet certain criteria under special laws.
Many government positions offer attractive pay aside from remunerations like bonuses, allowances and incentives. A government job is not only rewarding from a financial standpoint, but also in terms of personal satisfaction and career fulfillment. Unlike private employment, government jobs have security of tenure, so public servants cannot be fired or dismissed without just cause and due process. So it’s no surprise that many Filipinos aspire for a career in public service as it promises job security and financial stability.
If your dream is to work for the government and dedicate your talents and skills for the progress and development of our nation, then you should take the civil service exam as soon as possible. Even if you have no immediate plans to apply for a government position, it’s still a good idea to take the exam. Being a civil service exam passer is a nice addition to your resume which will boost your chances of employment in the private sector. And who knows, a government job might beckon for you in the future.
Knowing that there are millions of Filipinos who aspire to become civil servants and work in the government, we have come up with this complete and comprehensive guide to the civil service exam. Aside from talking about the civil service exam requirements, schedule, qualifications, exemptions, and coverage, we’ll also share some tips and advice on how to pass the exam with flying colors.
So are you ready? Let’s get started!
Table of Contents
- What is the Civil Service Exam?
- Who Are Qualified to Take the Civil Service Exam?
- Who are Exempted From the Civil Service Exam?
- What are the Civil Service Exam Requirements?
- How Do You File Your Application for the Civil Service Exam?
- What is the Civil Service Exam Schedule?
- Civil Service Exam Testing Centers
- What is the Coverage of the Civil Service Exam?
- How to Take the Exam
- How Do You Know if You Passed the Exam?
- How to Get Your Certification of Eligibility
- Final Takeaways
What is the Civil Service Exam?
The civil service exam is the qualifying test to determine your intellectual capacity and aptitude for government service. If you take and pass the civil service exam, you are eligible for appointment to career positions in various branches, agencies, subdivisions and instrumentalities of government, including government-owned and controlled corporations.

There are three classifications or levels of positions in the career service according to Executive Order No. 292:
- Trades, crafts, clerical and custodial service positions involving non-professional or sub-professional work that require less than four years of university or college education;
- Positions involving professional, scientific and technical work that require at least four years of university or college education (bachelor’s degree); and
- Positions in the Career Executive Service.
Entrance to the first two levels are determined through the civil service exam, which is open to Filipinos inside or outside the career service and who meet the minimum qualifying requirements. Entrance to the third level is determined by the Career Executive Service Board.
To gain eligibility for these career service levels, you either have to take any of these two types of exams:
- Civil Service Sub-Professional Exam – grants the Career Service Sub-Professional eligibility for appointment into entry-level government positions that don’t require a four-year bachelor’s degree.
- Civil Service Professional Exam – awards the Career Service Professional eligibility for entry into government positions that require at least a four-year bachelor’s degree. Passers of the professional exam are also qualified for posts that only require sub-professional eligibility.
If you are already a college graduate or aiming to finish a bachelor’s degree, it would make more sense to take the professional exam instead of the sub-professional exam. But if you’re only aiming for entry-level clerical jobs that don’t require much technical or professional expertise, then it’s better to take the sub-professional exam as it’s easier to pass.
The civil service exam used to be a solely paper and pencil test but with the advent of computer technology, the CSC has come up with a computerized examination for the more tech-savvy users. So now there are two modes of civil service exams:
- Paper and pencil test (CSC-PPT)
- Computerized examination (CSC-COMEX)
Which mode of exam should you take? The choice is up to you. If you’re more comfortable with facing the computer and tapping the keyboard than shading your answers on a piece of paper, then you may opt for the computerized examination. Either way, the questions are still the same; only the mode of delivery differs.
Personally, I prefer the paper and pencil test even though I’m one of the tech-savvy types. I feel that I can think more clearly when facing a piece of paper rather than a computer screen. So choose wisely because your choice might affect your performance in the exam.
Who Are Qualified to Take the Civil Service Exam?
Not everyone is qualified to take the civil service exam. For starters, applicants obviously need to be Filipino citizens since working for the government requires loyalty and allegiance to the country. Here are the minimum qualification requirements to be able to take the civil service examination:
- You must be a Filipino citizen;
- You must be at least 18 years old at the time of the filing of application;
- You must be of good moral character;
- You must not have any criminal record, or has been convicted of any crime involving moral turpitude or of dishonesty, disgraceful or immoral conduct, drunkenness or drug addiction;
- You must not have been dishonorably discharged from the military or police service, or dismissed from any civilian position in the government; and
- You must not have taken the civil service exam, either through the PPT or COMEX, within the last three months before the date of examination.
An applicant with a pending criminal, civil or administrative case can still take the exam and be granted civil service eligibility if he passes the exam. But if found guilty later on, he will be stripped of his eligibility.
Applicants with dual citizenship may also take the exam, provided that they submit to the CSC a copy of their Certificate of Retention/Reacquisition of Philippine Citizenship issued by the Bureau of Immigration.
You can apply for the civil service exam regardless of your educational attainment. This means that even elementary and high school graduates can take the exam.
Who are Exempted From the Civil Service Exam?
The civil service exam is not the only way you can acquire civil service eligibility. The Civil Service Commission offers different eligibilities under special laws to qualified individuals. If you fall under any of these eligibilities, you are not required to take the civil service exam to enter the government.
- Passers of Philippine bar examinations administered by the Supreme Court and licensure examinations conducted by the Professional Regulation Commission (PRC);
- Members of the Sangguniang Bayan, Sangguniang Panlungsod and Sangguniang Panlalawigan, as well as vice mayors and vice governors who are the presiding officers;
- Elected barangay officials including barangay captains, Sangguniang Barangay members, Sangguniang Kabataan chairpersons, and appointed officials such as barangay treasurers and secretaries;
- Individuals who graduated with cum laude, magna cum or laude summa cum laude honors from a private educational institution or a public university or college in the Philippines;
- Individuals who graduated with cum laude, magna cum laude or summa cum laude honors from a reputable foreign school as certified by the Department of Foreign Affairs;
- Science and technology specialists with a bachelor’s degree in a selected science and technology course and with at least 3 years of research or teaching, or has earned a master’s or doctorate degree;
- Barangay health workers who have completed at least 2 years of college and have voluntarily rendered 5 years of active community service;
- Barangay nutrition scholars and volunteer workers with at least 2 years of continuous services and activities related to nutrition, such as community health, environmental sanitation, backyard food production, family planning, and mental feeding;
- Skilled workers with at least 1 year of satisfactory actual work performance and whose qualifications that cannot be measured by written tests, such as carpenters, plumbers, draftsmen, auto mechanics, plant electricians, laboratory technicians, and heavy equipment operators;
The Veteran Preference Rating Eligibility (VPRE) is granted to military veterans, their spouses, and their children. Under the VPRE, 10 points are added to the examinee’s failed exam rating (not lower than 70 points). Once the VPRE is granted to a veteran, his spouse, or any of his children, other family members can no longer avail of the eligibility grant.
Depending on the eligibility, you will be granted either the equivalent of the Career Service Sub-Professional eligibility (first level) or the Career Service Professional eligibility (second level). Barangay health workers, barangay nutrition scholars, and barangay officials can only avail of first level eligibility under these special laws. You can learn more about these special eligibilities through the Civil Service Commission website.
What are the Civil Service Exam Requirements?
After making sure that you don’t fall under the special eligibilities mentioned above, it’s time to prepare the following documentary requirements:
- Duly-accomplished civil service exam application form (CS Form No. 100, revised September 2016). Download it from the CSC website here or from our direct link here. Note: leave the “Signature over Printed Name of Applicant” and “Right Thumbmark” blank as these should be accomplished in the presence of the administering officer or CSC processor.
- Four (4) pieces of identical ID pictures taken within the last 3 months prior to the filing of application, with the following specifications:
- Passport size with dimensions of 1.8″ x 1.4″ (4.5 cm x 3.5 cm)
- Colored with white background
- Printed on high quality photo paper
- Standard close-up shot with the head and face occupying at least 80% of the picture and with the name tag placed 1 inch below the chin
- Bare face without eyeglasses, colored contact lenses, and any accessory that may cover your facial features
- Facial features must not be computer enhanced or edited
- Full-face view with the applicant facing the camera directly
- Both ears must be visible
- Both eyes must be open
- Must show a neutral expression (no smiling or smirking)
- The name tag must be handwritten (not computer generated) and showing the applicant’s signature atop the printed full name in this format: First Name, Middle Initial, Last Name, and Extension Name (if any)
- Original and photocopy of a valid and unexpired ID that bears the applicant’s complete name, photo and signature, as well as the name and signature of the issuing office or agency. Valid IDs are the following:
- Current company or office ID
- School ID (must be duly validated for the current school year or semester)
- Philippine passport with signature
- PRC license
- Voter’s ID
- Driver’s license
- PhilHealth ID (ATM type only)
- BIR or TIN ID (ATM type or laminated card with photo)
- Postal ID
- NBI clearance
- Police clearance with picture
- Barangay ID
- If your valid ID doesn’t have your date of birth shown, you must submit an original and photocopy of your birth certificate issued and authenticated by the Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA) or the local civil registrar.
- If you have dual citizenship under Republic Act No. 9225, you are required to provide an original and photocopy of your Certificate of Retention/Re-acquisition of Philippine Citizenship from the Bureau of Immigration.
- Examination fee of ₱500 for the pencil and paper test (CSC-PPT) and ₱680 for the computerized examination (CSC-COMEX).

Bring these civil service exam requirements to the Civil Service Commission office when you file your application for the exam.
How Do You File Your Application for the Civil Service Exam?
Once you have prepared your civil service exam requirements and chosen your mode of examination, you’re now ready to file your application.
Paper and Pencil Test (CSC-PPT)
Step 1: Bring your documentary requirements including the application form (CS Form No. 100), ID pictures, and valid ID to the nearest Civil Service Commission Regional Office (CSCRO) or at any CSC Field Office. Go here for a list of CSC Regional Offices and Field Offices.
You must file your application in the same region where you intend to take the examination. For example, if I plan to take the exam in Tagbilaran City, I can file my application either at the field office in Tagbilaran City or at the regional office in Cebu City.
Take note that CSC offices have a dress code that prohibits individuals wearing sleeveless blouses, slippers and shorts from entering their premises.
Applications are accepted on a first come, first served basis. Once the quota is filled up, the CSC may stop accepting applicants. It’s better to submit your application as soon as the application period is opened. There are only a limited number of seats per testing center.
Step 2: Give your accomplished application form (without the signature and thumbmark) to the CSC processor or action officer for review and evaluation. The processor may request you to make the necessary corrections, if any.
Step 3: Affix your signature and right thumbmark in the presence of the CSC processor or action officer.
Step 4: The CSC processor will check your records with the E-Retaker and DIBAR systems to see if you’re qualified to take the exam. If you’re qualified, the processor will return the application form for payment.
Step 5: Pay the examination fee of ₱500 at the cashier and get the official receipt.
Step 6: Give the processed application form and official receipt to the CSC processor and receive the examination receipt slip and the examinee guide.
Computerized Examination (CSC-COMEX)
Step 1: Open the CSC-COMEX website and click the “Sign Up Now” button.
You may encounter a privacy error (“Your connection is not private”). To get through this, click the “Advanced” button and click “Proceed to (unsafe).”
Step 2: Choose your username and password, and then fill up your account information, including personal, educational, employment and eligibility information. Click “Next” or “Back” to navigate through each section.
Step 3: Review the information you provided, and then click “Proceed.”
Step 4: Read the terms and conditions carefully, and then check the box that says “I agree to these Terms and Conditions.” Enter the captcha code and click “Submit.”
Step 5: The registration is successful. Check your email for the account activation link and click that link.
Step 6: After activating your account, click “Login” on the top-right portion of the page and enter your username and password.
Step 7: Click the “Reserve A Slot Now!” button.
Step 8: You can now see the list of examination schedules. Click “View Details” to get additional information about each schedule. Click “Reserve a slot” to reserve your seat for the exam.
For easier selection, you can filter the list of schedules by examination type, testing center, examination date, and available slots.
Step 9: Check your email for the confirmation of your slot reservation. Print this email and bring it with you during the exam.
What is the Civil Service Exam Schedule?
The paper and pencil test (CSC-PPT) is conducted twice a year, usually in the months of March and August.
Here is the civil service exam schedule for the paper and pencil test for both the Professional and Sub-Professional levels:
Application Period | Date of Exam |
December 17, 2018 until January 16, 2019 | March 17, 2019 |
May 6, 2019 until June 5, 2019 | August 4, 2019 |
Civil Service Exam Testing Centers
The following is a list of testing centers where you will take the civil service exam. Take note that this list may change without prior notice.
Region | Testing Center |
1 | San Fernando City, La Union; Lingayen; Urdaneta City; Laoag City; Vigan City |
2 | Tuguegarao City; Bayombong, Nueva Vizcaya; Cauayan City |
3 | City of San Fernando, Pampanga; Tarlac City; Malolos City; Olongapo City; Cabanatuan City |
4 | Dasmarinas City; Batangas City; Santa Cruz, Laguna; Morong, Rizal; Lucena City; Lopez, Quezon; Calapan City; San Jose, Occidental Mindoro; Puerto Princesa City |
5 | Legazpi City; Naga City; Virac, Catanduanes |
6 | Bacolod City; Iloilo City; Kalibo, Aklan |
7 | Cebu City; Dumaguete City; Tagbilaran City |
8 | Tacloban City; Catbalogan City; Maasin City; Catarman, Northern Samar |
9 | Zamboanga City; Dipolog City; Pagadian City |
10 | Cagayan de Oro City; Oroquieta City |
11 | Tagum City; Mati City; Malita, Davao Occidental |
12 | Cotabato City; General Santos City; Kidapawan City; Koronadal City |
NCR | Manila; Quezon City; Makati City; Pasay City |
CAR | Baguio City; Bangued, Abra; Lagawe, Ifugao; Luna, Apayao |
CARAGA | Butuan City; Surigao City; Bislig City; San Francisco, Agusan del Sur |
ARMM | Cotabato City; Iligan City; Bongao, Tawi-tawi |
What is the Coverage of the Civil Service Exam?
In order to be successful in passing the civil service exam, you must first be aware of the scope and coverage of the exam. That way, you will be able to prepare for the exam through study and review and thus be able to answer the questions correctly.
Career Service Professional Exam
- Vocabulary
- Grammar and correct usage
- Paragraph organization
- Reading comprehension
- Analogy
- Numerical reasoning
- Logic and abstract reasoning
- General information about the Philippine Constitution, the Code of Conduct and Ethical Standards for Public Officials and Employees (R.A. 6713), peace and human rights issues and concepts, and environmental management and protection
Career Service Sub-Professional Exam
- Vocabulary
- Grammar and correct usage
- Paragraph organization
- Reading comprehension
- Spelling
- Clerical operations
- Numerical reasoning
- General information about the Philippine Constitution, the Code of Conduct and Ethical Standards for Public Officials and Employees (R.A. 6713), peace and human rights issues and concepts, and environmental management and protection
The CS Professional exam has 170 test items and a time limit of 3 hours and 10 minutes, while the CS Sub-Professional exam has 165 test items and a time limit of 2 hours and 40 minutes. Test items are written in either English or Filipino.
How to Take the Exam
Paper and Pencil Test (CSC-PPT)
Step 1: Know your place of examination or school assignment days before the exam date. This is usually indicated in the application receipt. If not, you can use the Online Notice of School Assignment (ONSA) facility on the Civil Service Commission website. The ONSA will be available to the public about two weeks before the examination date.
If you cannot use the ONSA or if you still don’t know your school assignment a week before the exam date, contact the CSC Regional Office or Field Office where you submitted your application.
Print the Notice of Assignment generated by the ONSA and bring it with you during the day of the exam.
Step 2: If possible, visit the testing venue at least a day before the exam to familiarize yourself with its location and surroundings. You can also read the examination advisory that will be posted on the CSC website.
Step 3: Go to the testing venue on the day of the exam. The school or testing venue will open at 6:00 A.M., so be there early. The gates of the testing venue will close at 7:30 A.M. and examinees who arrive late will not be allowed to enter and take the exam. You should take traffic and distance into consideration when planning your travel to the venue.
Wear proper and decent attire to avoid being denied entry to the venue. Sleeveless shirts or blouses, short pants and slippers are not allowed.
Don’t forget to bring these items with you to the venue:
- Original and photocopy of your valid ID, preferably the one you provided during your application. Strictly no ID, no exam. Read the civil service exam requirements for a list of valid IDs.
- If your ID has no date of birth, provide an original birth certificate issued and authenticated by the Philippine Statistics Authority.
- Application receipt with the corresponding official receipt, if available.
- Notice of Assignment generated by the ONSA. This is optional and you can still take the exam without it.
- Black ballpen(s). Other colors (red, blue, etc.) are not acceptable.
- Two (2) extra pictures to be given to the room examiner.
- Drinking water or non-alcoholic beverage, placed in a clear or transparent container. You may also bring light food or snacks such as biscuits or candies. All food and liquid beverages will be subject to inspection by the examiner or proctor.
The following prohibited items are not allowed inside the room:
- Mobile phones, tablets and other electronic gadgets
- Calculators
- Wristwatches with calculators
- Books and other printed materials
Prohibited items must be surrendered to the examiner or proctor before the start of the exam. You can claim them later on after the exam.
Place all your personal belongings in front of the room, including bags, hats/caps, sunglasses, jackets and other similar clothing. Empty your pocket of any pieces of paper and other items. If you’re wearing long sleeves, roll them up to elbow level.
Step 4: You will be given these documents to accomplish: answer sheet, attendance sheet, and picture-seat plan. Instructions on how to accomplish these forms will be provided.
After accomplishing the forms on the proctor’s table, place your application receipt, Notice of Assignment and other items in your bag in front of the room, and then return to your assigned seat for the start of the exam. Only these items will be allowed to remain with you in your seat: answer sheet, black ballpen, and bottled water or candies/biscuits.
Step 5: Start answering the question items on the answer sheet. Each question has 5 circles corresponding to the 5 answer options. Choose only one answer for each question.
Using a black ballpen, neatly and completely shade the circle that corresponds to your answer. Don’t use a gel pen, fountain pen, sign pen, or non-black ballpen. See the image below for the correct and wrong shading.

To change your answer, just mark the shaded circle with “X” and shade your new answer. Take note that you can change your answer only once per question. Don’t use correction fluid, pen, tape or eraser. Don’t make any unnecessary or stray marks on your answer sheet.
Once you’ve finished answering the questions, wait for the proctor to approach you and collect your answer sheet and test booklet. Don’t stand up to submit your test materials. Finally, wait for the proctor to tell you that you can leave the room.
Computerized Examination (CSC-COMEX)
Step 1: Go to the CSC-COMEX testing center indicated in your application on the date and time of your examination. Secure a queuing number from the guard, who will check your name against the list of applicants.
Step 2: Proceed to the processing area and submit your documentary requirements for verification:
- Original and photocopy of your valid ID. Read the exam requirements for a list of valid IDs.
- If your valid ID has no date of birth, submit a PSA issued and authenticated birth certificate.
- If you are a dual citizen under Republic Act No. 9225, provide an original and photocopy of your Certificate of Retention/Re-acquisition of Philippine Citizenship issued by the Bureau of Immigration.
Step 3: Pay the examination fee of ₱680 to the cashier and get the official receipt.
Step 4: Give the official receipt to the processor. The processor will take your photo. Sign in the signature tablet, affix your thumbmark on the biometric scanner, and sign your printed application form.
Step 5: Receive the CSID and go to the waiting area. Place your thumb on the biometric scanner for authentication.
Step 6: Listen to the orientation and briefing by the room examiner or proctor, and sign the examinee attendance sheet and picture-seat plan.
Step 7: Proceed to the COMEX room for the exam.
How Do You Know if You Passed the Exam?
The civil service exam results for the paper and pencil test (CSC-PPT) will be published on the Civil Service Commission website within 41 days after the examination date. The exam ratings, however, will posted around 15 days after the publication of the list of passers.
On the other hand, the results of the computerized examination (CSC-COMEX) will be released and posted on the CSC website a week after the exam.
To know your civil service exam ratings, access the Online Civil Service Examination Result Generation System (OCSERGS) page on the CSC website and enter your name, date of birth, and the date, type and place of examination. Read this article to learn how to check your civil service rating online.
The passing grade for the civil service exam is at least 80.00.
How to Get Your Certification of Eligibility
Civil service exam passers can personally claim their Certification of Eligibility approximately 30 days after the announcement of the list of passers. To claim your Certification of Eligibility, go to the CSC Regional Office and bring the following requirements:
- Application receipt (optional).
- A valid ID, preferably the same one you presented during application. The ID must contain the examinee’s name, clear picture, date of birth (if any), signature, and the signature of the issuing agency current head or authorized representative. Go here for a list of valid IDs.
Before claiming your Certification of Eligibility, you should first confirm or verify the availability of your certificate with the CSC Regional Office. The CSC may also require additional documents to verify your identity, so call or email the CSC Regional Office and wait for the advisory that will be published on the CSC website.
Final Takeaways
Taking and passing the civil service exam is just the first step in your journey as a public servant. The more difficult part is getting into government service.
After all, you will have to compete with thousands of eager applicants for a few available government positions. This is where your patience will be tested. It does help to have a “backer” who can vouch for your character but with determination, persistence and a lot of prayers, you will surely land your dream job in the end.
If you have any questions and concerns about the civil service exam and career service eligibility, don’t hesitate to contact the Civil Service Commission Examination, Recruitment and Placement Office (ERPO) by calling (02) 8951-2578 or (02) 8931-8163, or by emailing [email protected] or [email protected].