Everyone knows how important it is to pay your credit card bills on time. By paying your credit card bills before the due date, you’ll avoid costly interest fees and keep your credit rating in good condition. So if you have a BDO credit card, you don’t need to go out of your way to settle your bills, because you can pay your BDO credit card bills using your online or mobile banking account.
As a responsible credit card holder, it’s your obligation to make sure that you settle your dues properly and on time. Failing to pay your credit card bills before the due date could affect your credit rating, and this could make it more difficult for you to acquire credit in the future. Banks will also impose interest on your unpaid credit card balance and this could impact your ability to pay off your debt.
One convenient way to pay your BDO credit card bills is through the BDO mobile app. You can use the BDO online banking website too but the mobile app is more convenient since it’s already on your phone.
You don’t have to turn on your computer or laptop to login to your BDO online banking account; you can do so with a few taps on your smartphone. If you don’t have the BDO mobile app yet, download it from Google Play or the App Store.
How to Enroll BDO as Biller
Before you can pay your BDO credit card bills via online or mobile banking, you must first enroll BDO as a biller. This is a one-time procedure so after enrolling BDO as a biller, you don’t need to enroll it again and you can go straight to bills payment.
Step 1: Open the BDO mobile app, tap the “MORE” tab at the bottom. Select “Enrollment Services.”
Step 2: Choose “Enroll Company/Biller.”
Step 3: Enter the required information as follows:
- Company/Biller – Select “BDO Credit Card Peso Payment to Peso Card.”
- Product Type – Choose the type of credit card you have (e.g. MasterCard, Visa).
- Payment Channels – The default selection is “Online/Mobile Banking.” You can enable ATM, SMS or phone banking if you want to pay through those means.
- Subscriber Number – Enter your 16-digit BDO credit card number (NOT your BDO account number).
- Subscriber Name – This is the name on your credit card.
- Preferred Nickname – For easier identification, enter your preferred nickname for this enrolled biller. For example: PayCC.
When you’re done, tap “CONTINUE.”
Step 4: Review and confirm details, making sure that you entered the correct subscriber number and name. Press “CONTINUE.”
After successfully enrolling BDO as a biller, you can now start paying your BDO credit card dues through BDO online and mobile banking.
How to Pay Your BDO Credit Card via BDO Mobile Banking
Now it’s time to pay your BDO credit card bill through the bills payment feature in the BDO mobile app.
Step 1: Open the BDO mobile app and tap the “PAY BILLS” tab at the bottom of the screen. This will take you to the bills payment screen.
Step 2: Select “Pay Bills” under “Pay Bills using Deposit Account.”
Step 3: Enter or provide the following payment information:
- Pay From – Select the BDO account where the payment will be taken from.
- Pay this Company/Biller – Choose “BDO Credit Card Peso Payment to Peso Card.”
- Payment Schedule – The default is “Immediate” but you can change it to a later date or create a regular schedule of payment.
- Amount – Enter the amount you want to pay.
- Remarks – This is optional.
Press “CONTINUE” when you’re done.
Step 4: Review your payment details and if everything is correct, tap “CONTINUE.”
You now have successfully paid your BDO credit card bill. You will receive an email from BDO confirming your bills payment transaction. The email contains the details of your bills payment including the transaction reference number, so don’t delete it.
To know if your payment has been posted to your BDO credit card account, you’ll need to enroll your credit card to BDO online banking. This will give you access to your BDO credit card details such as outstanding balance, available credit limit, statement of account and more.
Based on my experience, it will take about 3 banking days for your payment to be reflected in your credit card account, so just be patient and give it enough time. If after a week your payment has not yet shown up in your account, you may call the BDO customer service hotline 1800-10-631-8000 or email [email protected].
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the subscriber number in BDO?
The BDO subscriber number is your 16-digit BDO credit card number. It is NOT your BDO account number.
Where can I find my BDO subscriber number or credit card number?
Your BDO subscriber number (or credit card number) is located at the front of your BDO credit card. For BDO MasterCard, the card number starts with “5” while Visa cards start with “4”.
How long does it take for my BDO credit card payment to be posted?
Based on my experience, it takes two to three banking days for credit card payments to be posted. Be sure to check your BDO account regularly by logging in to BDO online or on the BDO mobile app.
Can I pay my BDO credit card using GCash?
Absolutely! You can pay your BDO credit card dues by logging in to the GCash app and performing a bills payment transaction. You may read this guide on how to pay your BDO credit card using GCash.
Wrapping Up
Now that you know how to pay your BDO credit card bills via BDO online banking, you no longer have to go to the bank to make the payment. You can just do it online using your smartphone and in the comfort and convenience of your home.
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Thank you for this. It is a great help.
This has been absolutely helpful!! Thank you very much! <3