Renewing your PRC license is now easier and more convenient with the PRC Licensure Examination and Registration Information System (LERIS). This web-based platform allows Filipino professionals to apply for licensure examinations, register for the issuance of their licenses, and renew their licenses through the Internet. If you’re interested in renewing your PRC license, I have come up with a PRC online renewal guide to make things much easier for you.
As required by law, all licensed Filipino professionals must renew their Professional Identification Card or PRC ID every three years to continue practicing their professions legally. PRC license renewals used to be done manually with a visit to the PRC office, and often took weeks to complete.
The implementation of PRC LERIS means that PRC ID renewals can be done online using a computer or mobile device. However, the entire process is not yet fully digital as the applicant still has to go to the PRC office to claim his Professional Identification Card.
The PRC LERIS is relatively new so it’s understandable why some people might have some difficulties in using it, especially the older professionals who were accustomed to the manual process in the past. This article will guide you through the steps in renewing your PRC license online, from using the PRC LERIS website to the payment process to the claiming of your PRC ID card.
Table of Contents
PRC Online Renewal Step-by-Step Process
Renewing your expired PRC license is now easier, faster and more convenient with PRC LERIS. But before anything else, prepare the following for the PRC online renewal process:
- A working email address, preferably Gmail. You can also use a Yahoo email address but take note that it sometimes has delivery issues.
- A scanned copy (in JPEG format) of your recent 2″ x 2″ photo in plain white background, taken no more than six (6) months prior to uploading. You or the applicant must be wearing a decent attire with collar in the photo. This rule applies even to female applicants.
- Your personal information including those in your Notice of Admission or PRC ID.
Follow these steps in the renewal of your PRC license and Professional Identification Card (PIC):
Step 1: Open the PRC LERIS website at Close all pop-ups.
If you have an account with the old system at, take note that your account is no longer available and that you will need to sign up with PRC LERIS.
If you already have an account with PRC LERIS, please proceed to Step 4. Otherwise, proceed to the next step for the registration.
Step 2: Take time to read the terms and conditions on the right side of the page. Scroll down and click the green “I AGREE” button to proceed.

Step 3: Enter your personal details as printed in your Notice of Admission or Professional Identification Card. Make sure that your first name, middle name and last name are correct as there’s no way to edit them after registration. After double-checking that your provided information is correct, solve the captcha code and click “REGISTER.”

Congratulations! You now have successfully signed up for PRC LERIS.
Step 4: This is where you will enter additional information such as your permanent mailing address, mobile number, family background, name of school, degree or course, and date of graduation.
Click “SAVE INFORMATION” when you’re done.

Step 5: It’s time to upload your photo. Click the blue round icon as shown in the screenshot below.

Step 6: Please read the photo requirements. Your photo must be 2″ x 2″ in size in plain white background and must be taken not more than 6 months before uploading. Click “PROCEED” to continue.

Step 7: Click “Choose file,” select your scanned photo in .JPG format, and click “Open” to upload it. Click “ZOOM IN” or “ZOOM OUT” to fit your photo with the light grey box as shown in the screenshot below. You can also click and drag your photo to fit it into the box. Click “UPLOAD IMAGE” when you’re done.

Step 8: Now you profile is complete. Click “SELECT TRANSACTION” on the right side of the page.

Step 9: A pop-up will appear. Choose the “RENEWAL” tab.
Enter your profession and PRC license number. Click “PROCEED” to continue to the next step.

Step 10: In the appointment page, choose the PRC regional office or service center where you will have your appointment. After selecting, the system will give you an appointment date and time. If you don’t like the appointment date, click “RESCHEDULE” and select a new date. Click “PROCEED” to continue.

Step 12: Review the transaction summary. Click “SAVE” to proceed.

Step 11: Select your payment option. Click “SUBMIT.”

PRC LERIS offers three payment options:
- LandBank ePayment Portal – Accepts LandBank transactions, GCash, and any BancNet member bank
- UCPB Online Payment Portal – Accepts UCPB online banking payments as well as over-the-counter transactions
- PRC cashier – You will need to personally pay at the PRC office
If you choose to pay via LandBank ePayment Portal, please prepare your 10-digit account number, the joint account indicator (“0” if individual and “1” or “2” if it’s a joint account), and the ATM PIN.
Step 12: Check the box that says, “I certify that I am at least 18 years old and have read, understood, and agreed to the Terms and Conditions.”
Input your 10-digit bank account number and joint account indicator (the value is “0” by default). Click or tap your PIN on the PIN pad. Click “Submit” when you’re done.

Step 13: Click “OK” to proceed with the payment or “CANCEL” to make any changes.

Step 14: You can now see your payment confirmation. Click “PRINT” to print the payment confirmation form or “OK” to proceed to the next step.

Step 15: You have successfully paid for your PRC ID renewal. Click “GO BACK TO PROFILE.”

Step 16: Click “Existing Transaction” on the left side of the page, choose your PRC license renewal transaction, and click “PRINT DOCUMENT” to print the PRC renewal form.
You can also print the payment confirmation form if you haven’t already done so. To do that, just click the “PAYMENT DETAILS” button.

Step 17: Print the application form by clicking the print icon as shown in the screenshot below. You can also save the file to your computer or flash drive by clicking the download icon just next to the print icon.

Step 18: Go to the PRC regional office or service center at the date and time of your appointment. Don’t forget to bring the PRC renewal requirements as listed below.
PRC Renewal Requirements
Bring the following PRC renewal requirements during your appointment at the PRC office:
- Printed PRC ID renewal application form a.k.a. Application for Professional Identification Card (PIC)
- Printed payment confirmation form
- Original and photocopy of certificates showing the CPD units acquired (except for the first renewal cycle)
- Original and photocopy of expiring/expired PRC ID
- An extra 2″ x 2″ ID photo just in case the clerk asks for it
You will usually get your new PRC ID on the same day, and it will have a validity period of three years.
CPD Requirements
Republic Act 10912 or the Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Act of 2016 mandates that every professional must take the required number of CPD units from training and similar learning activities before they can renew their PRC licenses.
Recently, however, the Professional Regulation Commission has temporarily relaxed its requirements for CPD credits for professionals who want to renew their licenses. The PRC has allowed PRC license renewals without full CPD compliance until December 31, 2023.
This means that from now until the end of 2023, you can renew your PRC license even if you don’t meet the required number of CPD units. The only requirement is the submission of an Affidavit of Undertaking. An Affidavit of Undertaking is already included in the PRC renewal form generated by LERIS so you don’t need to hire the services of an attorney or notary public.
The PRC has reduced the number of required CPD units to 15, effective March 1, 2019. The PRC also issued Resolution No. 2019-1146, which amended relevant provisions of Resolution No. 1032 (series 2017) or the implementing rules and regulations of the CPD Act of 2016. This resolution called for a transition period allowing for the gradual and efficient implementation of the objectives of the CPD Act of 2016.
During the transition period:
- Professionals who are working abroad (OFWs) are not covered by the CPD requirement,
- Newly licensed professionals and recent board passers are not covered by the CPD requirement for the first renewal cycle after getting their license, and
- The number of required CPD credit units is no more than 15.
However, the following are not covered during the transition period:
- Professionals who are required by Professional Regulatory Laws (PRL) to comply with a specific number of CPD units for the renewal of the Professional Identification Card or PRC ID, and
- Professionals who intend to practice their professions in countries covered by regional, international and bilateral agreements in which the CPD is a recognition and eligibility requirement.
PRC ID Renewal for OFWs
If you are an OFW currently working abroad, you can also have your PRC ID renewed. Simply follow the steps above just like any other applicant. You can ask a friend or relative in the Philippines to pay the renewal fee on your behalf.
An authorized representative can claim your new PRC ID on your behalf. He will need to bring a Special Power of Attorney, a valid ID, and the payment confirmation form. If your representative is also a PRC licensed professional, he will need to bring his PRC ID and an authorization letter as well.
Since OFWs are exempted from the CPD requirements, you don’t need to submit the certificates indicating the CPD units acquired.
Renewing your expired PRC license is no longer a hassle with PRC LERIS. All you need to do is to follow our step-by-step PRC online renewal guide and then go to your chosen PRC regional office for your personal appointment and the claiming of your new Professional Identification Card. You can also read our PRC online registration and application guide to apply for the board exam or register as a professional.
We hope that this PRC renewal guide is a big help in your career as a licensed professional. Should you need assistance with PRC license renewal, just send an email to [email protected].